Photo credits: re:publica/Gregor Fischer
Science & Education
Wie verändern digitale Technologien unsere Art zu lernen, zu lehren, zu forschen und Wissen zu teilen? Und: Wie entwickeln sich wissenschaftliche Felder und Forschungsthemen? In diesem Track sprechen wir vor allem Bildungsexperten, Wissenschaftler, Forscher, und Studenten an – ob etablierte Institutionen bis hin zu Citizen Science-Initiativen. Insbesondere freuen wir uns auf Sessions mit aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen, Reflexionen zu pädagogischen und wissenschaftlichen Methoden sowie Technologie-Reviews. Wir interessieren uns für Open Science, Open Research, Open Labs und Open Publishing, Erfahrungen im Umgang mit digitalen Geräten in Bildungskontexten sowie für Biotech, Nanotechnologie und Astrophysik.
- Science & EducationFemale-Wondering how boring or cool a career in software engineering is?
During this fireside chat, we will take a deep dive into the life of Eunice Obugyei, Lead Software Engineer at DreamOval. - Science & Education-Join UNFPA Ghana for a Davos style session to share and discuss how targeted reproductive health services empower vulnerable populations.
- Science & EducationThe eHealth lounge Simulation Space features health technology products currently being implemented in over 15 different African countries.
- Science & Education- , - , -Yoga classes led by certified instructors. Visit our health screening space for a free STI or general wellness screening to receive an entry token to access the class for free.
- Science & Education-Like the Sub-Saharan countries of Africa, much of the world is changing the way they think about drones. Many people are starting to recognize that the potential for drones in agriculture and medicine represents a breakthrough not only of technological importance, but societal and economic importance as well. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to how to fly drones and how to process images captured by drones and sensors.
- Science & EducationTech for Good-Planning for 2nd summit in Tanzania
We will plan and discuss details and logistics for the second Africa Open Science and Hardware Summit to be held on April 10-13, 2019 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Another topic will be to define how the AfricaOSH community can scale collaboration across the continent. - Science & EducationAccessOpen Science is becoming increasingly popular globally and provides unprecedented opportunities for scientists in Africa. Three key challenges remain, namely 1) access to high speed internet, 2) Open Science governance by African policy makers, 3) standardization and interoperability of online tools and platforms.
During this meetup we will present the actors, challenges and opportunities and discuss the next steps towards making Open Science ubiquitous across Africa.
- Science & EducationTech for Good-This session will discuss the opportunities of biotech and machine learning applied to pathology, and how digital innovation is enabling progress in handling public health challenges.
- Science & EducationFuture-Will Africa provide the architecture for the next industrial revolution, i.e. the first anti-industrial architecture? Sename Agbodjinou's keynote will focus on this new horizon and explore what architects and those involved in the maker movement can achieve when it comes to providing housing in Africa.
- Science & EducationData-Hands-on with Image Steganography. Showing how it's done, detected followed by a Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge.
- Science & Education-AI for beginners - learn how artificial intelligence works in a playful and explorative workshop.
- Science & EducationFuture-The Africologist is a futuristic documentary on African History, Science, and Technology. The purpose of this film is to inspire young Africans by using technology-backed science fiction as narrative, and evidence-backed science facts as the backbone. Embark with us on a journey through Africa and Africanity, reconnecting to our past, experiencing the innovations of our present in exciting new ways and using science to foresee the technologies of the future.