11:15 - 12:15
Drones unlimited: Flying Sensors training


Like the Sub-Saharan countries of Africa, much of the world is changing the way they think about drones. Many people are starting to recognize that the potential for drones in agriculture and medicine represents a breakthrough not only of technological importance, but societal and economic importance as well. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to how to fly drones and how to process images captured by drones and sensors.


Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) as they are often called, are flying devices without a human pilot on board. They are controlled by computers or a remote control by people on the ground or in another vehicle.

Drones are changing the field of medicine by delivering medical supplies to remote locations. Similarly, drones are revolutionizing agriculture—making farmers’ jobs safer and easier. UAS can map and survey farm boundary lines, assess farm infrastructure, calculate crop yield estimates, and gather other data to improve agriculture management.

Additionally, the introduction of UAVs into agricultural vocations may entice educated rural youth to find employment in their own community, rather than move to urban locations.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to how to fly drones and how to process images captured by drones and sensors.