Photo credit: re:publica/Gregor Fischer
Politics & Society
Im Herzen des re:publica Programms stehen die Debatten und der Austausch über die voranschreitende Digitalisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Wandel der Gesellschaft(en) und auf die Verschiebung politischer Dynamiken. Wir möchten Machtbalancen verschieben, über die sozialen Veränderungen reden und mehr über zivilen digitalen Aktivismus hören. Auf der re:publica werfen wir einen genauen Blick auf die Schnittstellen von Politik, Gesellschaft und Technologie.
In diesem Track werden wir über Datenschutz, Überwachungstechnologien, ePrivacy, Internetstilllegungen, Netzneutralität reden. Wir werden Community Netzwerke, die Auswirkungen von KI auf die Gesellschaft, digitalen Ungehorsam sowie neue Governance-Modelle diskutieren.
Wir laden euch Aktivist*innen, Vertreter*innen der Zivilgesellschaft, Forscher*nnen und alle Menschen mit Erfahrungen in diesen Themengebieten ein mit uns gemeinsam das Zusammenspiel von Technologie und Gesellschaft auf den Grund zu gehen. Wir werden die Möglichkeiten von Civic Tech erkunden und den Stand der Internetfreiheit debattieren - basierend auf euren Beiträgen. Zu den Fragen, die wir hier gern diskutieren möchten, gehören z.B.: Wie beeinflussen Social-Media-Plattformen die politische Meinungsbildung? Wie entwickeln sich Bewegungen und Aktionsbündnisse, die sich für Internetfreiheit, digitale Demokratie und Open data engagieren? Welche sozialen und legislativen Prozesse sollten eingeleitet werden, um die immer schneller voranschreitende Automatisierung zu regulieren? Kann die Blockchain ihr Versprechen halten, Governance-Prozesse zu revolutionieren?
- Politics & SocietyA growing number of citizens in Africa are using Information Communication Technologies (ICT) on a regular basis, which has made digital technologies pivotal to their rights and livelihoods. However, governments continue to take steps that undermine internet access and affordability, and weaken ICT’s potential to catalyze free expression and civic participation or to drive innovation.
- Politics & SocietyInternet users especially at-risk groups such as human rights defenders, women, children LGBTI in several African countries face regular online and offline threats and attacks from state and non-state actors. Whereas safety tools can be crucial in securing their communications, enhancing mobilisation, and effectuating support systems, there is often a low level of digital safety skills among the at-risk users.
- Politics & SocietyData-The Glass Room Experience is an eye-catching, accessible self-learning pop-up installation on data and privacy.
- Politics & SocietyTech for Good-Technologies are evolving at a fast pace, often faster than law makers and governing bodies can keep up with. How do we ensure innovation is fostered and public interests protected at the same time?
- Politics & SocietyAccess-Finding common paths towards strengthening human rights online.
- Politics & SocietyTech for Good-Calling all makers, care recipients, and healthcare professionals!
What are your ideas for connecting the urge for patients and care professionals to design more customized and tailor-made solutions with the maker movement? Makers are designing open hardware as product design is being democratized, opened up and becoming accessible for a growing community. How can patients and care professionals benefit from these developments? Join us for a brainstorming session at rp:Accra! - Politics & Society-What technical, social and political basics do we need to get right in order to get to the next level?
- Politics & Society-A new study, commissioned by CFI, the French Agency for Media Development, takes a close look at various civic tech initiatives in Benin, Kenya, Senegal and Tunisia. In this session, we will present these recent findings and open up the discussion and widen the scope beyond these case studies: How have you and other Civic Tech actors organised yourselves, overcome obstacles and built your influence? What can we take away from these experiences? Discussions can take place in English and French.
- Politics & Society-New initiatives based on the use of information and communication technologies enable citizens to participate in the management of public life with a perspective to making governance democratic, transparent and inclusive. We talk about Civic Tech. During this session, we present how the internet and the use of mobile phones have supported CSO and government to increase civic engagement and ensure the transparency of the electoral process of the 2018 presidential elections in Mali.
- Politics & SocietyAccess-A fireside chat with Prof. Nii Quaynor - Africa's "father of the internet".
- Politics & Society-Meet Nanjala Nyabola in the pop-up library at the Ditial Rights Lounge and get a copy of the latest book Digital Democracy and Analogue Politics - How the Internet Era is Transforming Kenya (ZED books/African Arguments, 2018).
- Politics & SocietyAccess-Mark Surman is one of the CEOs of Mozilla, one of the words leading Internet organisations. Meet him at re:publica and ask him anything about Mozilla, how open source business models and global communities work.