Daten, oder besser gesagt, unsere Fähigkeit, Daten für den Fortschritt unserer Gesellschaften zu sammeln und zu verarbeiten, ist eines der zentralen Themen unserer Zeit. Wir befassen uns mit einer breiten Palette von Themen rund um die Datenpolitik: Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz im öffentlichen Sektor, Überwachung durch nicht-konsistente Datenerhebung, Tracking, Datenschutz und DSGVO sowie offene Daten und ihre Verwendung im Journalismus.
- Politics & SocietyData-The Glass Room Experience is an eye-catching, accessible self-learning pop-up installation on data and privacy.
- Science & EducationData-Hands-on with Image Steganography. Showing how it's done, detected followed by a Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge.
- Politics & SocietyData-The session will discuss the African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection accepted by African Union Heads of Sates and Government at Malabo in June 2014 emphasizes the importance of every African Union member state establishing a legal framework aimed at strengthening fundamental rights, particularly the protection of physical data and remedies for any violation of privacy without prejudice to the principle of free flow of personal data.
- Media & JournalismData-This workshop will be a general orientation workshop about Wikidata - a free, collaborative, multilingual, secondary database that can be read and edited by anyone in the world.
- Science & EducationData-Maps are power. In order to make meaningful and policy driven maps you need good data. Good and accessible geospatial data is hard to come by in Africa. Worse, the rare maps that are likely to feed are mostly outdated ! OpenStreetMap is a global community and geodatabase made by volunteers which can be used for several purposes.
- Media & JournalismData-Nowadays, citizens, the protagonists of data banks (both private and public), are central to a power game involving both public policy decisions and consumer integrity. To whom does data belong? For whom is it most or least accessible? How can data be made more visible, so that it can create new narratives that permit the development of basic community rights?
- Politics & SocietyData-What does privacy mean to you? All too often, privacy is an abstract concept with little to no relevance to day-to-day life. We would like to explore different cultural understandings and metaphors of privacy around the globe to better grasp how we can make privacy more relevant to more people. Pop in, illustrate and share your image of what privacy means to you! The workshop is accompanied by short inputs from experts on responsible data, privacy conceptions and privacy-enhancing tools.
- Media & JournalismData-Investigative journalists and activists rely on smartphones to do their job. Smartphones are a key resource to test the powerful and keep governments in check. At the same time, smartphones can provide a window into the most sensitive parts of their users’ life and work. Recently, even some governments are alleged to utilize smartphones against users at odds with their political agenda. What are the threats, how can smartphones be protected and what is the role of tech companies in all this?
- Politics & SocietyData-The nexus between law and tech is strange, albeit exciting! What would the world look like if lawyers fully understood tech and embedded it in the delivery of justice? What if techies fully understood law and built their products incorporating data privacy by design, meeting potential venture partners in between the lines? Would the African digital space be a better place if intellectual property rights wasn't just paper rights? What is the Africa Digital Africa Frameworks?
- Media & JournalismData-The West Africa Leaks showed the massive scale of illicit financial flows, tax avoidance and evasion and corruption in African states. If used correctly, open and big data can create more transparency and contribute to fighting corruption and financial crimes. The discussion wants to shed light on the necessary preconditions for investigative journalists to make use of open and big data, while also taking into account the increasingly limited freedom of press in some parts of Africa.
- Politics & SocietyData-Data confidentiality of sensitive individual data is a highly valued good. So is the development of social and economic systems. Practitioners from three African organisations that deal with sensitive, financial data of their clients discuss how they cope with the dilemma when it comes to sharing data to set up efficient processes.