Digital Rights Lounge
12:30 - 13:00
My Privacy is a Unicorn - Privacy Illustrated


What does privacy mean to you? All too often, privacy is an abstract concept with little to no relevance to day-to-day life. We would like to explore different cultural understandings and metaphors of privacy around the globe to better grasp how we can make privacy more relevant to more people. Pop in, illustrate and share your image of what privacy means to you! The workshop is accompanied by short inputs from experts on responsible data, privacy conceptions and privacy-enhancing tools.


Privacy is a fundamental human right recognized in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and in many other international and regional treaties. The right to privacy underpins human dignity, autonomy and is a foundation essential for many other human rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of association. However, it is often seen as an abstract concept and gains relevance only when put into context. In these contexts, informational asymmetries and the resulting power imbalances play an important role and include governments as well as private companies.

Building on Carnegie Mellon University’s “Privacy Illustrated” project, we would like to explore different mental conceptions and metaphors of privacy around the globe. Drawing your idea of privacy will help us to create more engaging narratives and better tools to make privacy more relevant to more people. The workshop will feature short inputs from activists, scholars and technology experts on responsible data, privacy conceptions and practical advice what you can do to increase your level of privacy and security. Because privacy is power.

This session is an ongoing activity that will take place continuously on both days at the Digital Rights Lounge.