Photo credits: Thomas Ecke
Business & Innovation
Was steckt hinter Schlagwörtern wie Industrie 4.0, Internet der Dinge oder Big Data? Immer wieder tauchen diese Begriffe in Diskussionen darüber auf, wie neue Technologien unseren Arbeitsalltag verändern. Um zu begreifen wie technologischer Fortschritt die Arbeitswelt transformiert, müssen wir allerdings über Schlagworte hinausgehen.
Nicht nur neue Technologien beeinflussen Berufsfelder und Berufslaufbahnen. Auch das Streben nach Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit, Familie und Freizeit sowie der Wunsch nach Co-Working und alternativen Arbeitsplätzen führt zu Veränderungen. Sei es durch Videokonferenzen, webbasierte Kooperationstools oder Software: Technologie ermöglicht neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit. So können Teams, die auf der ganzen Welt verstreut sind, gemeinsam an Projekten arbeiten. In welche Richtung können Technologien unsere Formen der Zusammenarbeit zukünftig lenken und verändern?
In diesem Track geht es um die Zukunft der Arbeit, die digitale Wirtschaft, neue Geschäftsmodelle und die Rolle von Innovation und Unternehmertum in unseren Gesellschaften. Wir möchten wissen: Wie verändern Innovationen wie wir reisen und Geschäfte machen? Wie könnten neue Kooperationsformen aussehen? Hilft die Digitalisierung Entwicklungsländern wirklich, wirtschaftlich aufzuholen? Wir wollen mit euch über Plattformökonomie und Startup-Szenen sprechen, insbesondere über ihre Auswirkungen auf den sozialen Sektor und öffentliche Dienstleistungen. Außerdem soll es um die Effekte der Automatisierung, des Internets der Dinge und der Unternehmerkultur auf die Gesellschaft gehen.
Wir freuen uns auf Berichte, Analysen, Forschungsergebnisse und weitere Überlegungen zu diesen Themen.
- Business & Innovation-We know that our mental, emotional, and physical health are all tied together - but often we only treat one at a time. Join us for a music therapy session, featuring traditional Ghanaian instruments, to explore the role music can play in improving health.
- Business & Innovation-Mental health in sub-Saharan Africa is one of the top emerging focus areas for public health professionals. But how do we offer mental health services that can bypass cultural barriers? And how do we take this work to scale? Join us as we share two local Ghanaian tech solutions to a health challenge kept quiet for too long.
- Business & Innovation-In many parts of the world when you feel sick you visit a doctor, receive a prescription, and fill it at the pharmacy. But in sub-Saharan Africa, it's not always that simple.
- Business & Innovation-Emergency care is an increasing focus for the Ghanaian community. Despite popular media attention, Ghana still lacks the appropriate number of trained clinicians, adequate ambulance service, and blood availability needed to respond in urgent medical situations.
- Business & Innovation-Let's talk about sex, baby. Join us for a cutting-edge conversation on sexual health and intimacy in the modern age. This isn't a panel discussion, and it isn't a lecture - it's a real conversation facilitated by young people and health professionals. So pull up a chair, let down your guard, and let's talk about the issues. Ages 16+
- Business & Innovation-Ideally, the Internet decentralises communication and breaks down information monopolies. Can it do the same for financial flows? From mobile payment to innovations such as crowdfunding to cryptocurrencies that rewrite trust models of transactions, there are a multitude of ways technology is impacting on finance – FinTech seems to be able to transform existing power structures for the good.
- Business & InnovationFemale-Meet three women rocking the tech scene in Ghana and learn about their personal paths, history and the future of women in tech.
- Business & InnovationTech for Good-Port of Tema, fresh breeze coming in from the sea. The sparkles of light flooding in just before dawn. The waves crashing melodically against the harbour wall. And one hopeful businessperson waiting longingly for movement on the horizon. We all know the feeling of expecting a delivery whether in form of a small parcel or a shipment of containers. Wondering whether it has become stuck and whom to blame in case it went missing. Can Blockchain-technology revolutionize the way global trade operates?
- Business & InnovationFuture-The panel will address issues around how automatisation and robotics will affect the future of labour and workers rights in the gig economy and will attempt to answer the questions: How do we want to model future societies that may not be as labour focussed as ours are today? And how is the informal sector is affected by these developments?
- Business & InnovationFuture-This session will examine how digital technologies can improve urban lives and make urban development fairer and more participatory, from address systems, to architecture to access to resources in urban contexts.
- Business & InnovationAccess-Affordable access to communication is of such value as a social and economic enabler that we need strategies that can embrace everyone. In order to have a meaningful conversation about options to reach the unconnected , we need better information on current telecommunications network development. Telecommunications has been overlooked as a sector to which transparency principles and Open Data policies might apply.
- Business & InnovationAccess-More than 450 million of Africa’s population does not have access to mobile broadband signal. Community owned and managed networks are showing potential to contribute to close this gap. These networks not only provide access, but also have broader development implications. In this workshop, authors will engage with the audience going through the steps of creating one, reinforcing good practices and highlighting common pitfalls to avoid.