Still from the movie "Africologist" (© Valerio Lopes)
Beim Afro-Futurismus geht es darum, fantastische Ausblicke darauf zu geben, wie die Zukunft aussehen könnte. Er umfasst Technologie nicht nur als Ausgleich, sondern auch als Werkzeug, um eine fortschrittliche künstlerische und kulturelle Agenda voranzutreiben. Wir werden erforschen, wie man die Form sprengt, Grenzen überschreitet und den gegenwärtigen Weg der Ungleichheit der Gesellschaft - sei es durch Klasse, Gruppenzugehörigkeit, Rasse, Geschlecht - überwindet und den Afro-Futurismus dazu benutzt, die Kluft zwischen dem, was es ist und was sein könnte, zu überbrücken.
- Arts & CultureFuture-DJ Raph and Andi Teichmann will present the work of the electronic label NOLAND and Raph´s Album "Sacred Groves".
- Science & EducationFuture-Will Africa provide the architecture for the next industrial revolution, i.e. the first anti-industrial architecture? Sename Agbodjinou's keynote will focus on this new horizon and explore what architects and those involved in the maker movement can achieve when it comes to providing housing in Africa.
- Arts & CultureFuture-Djambé is the djembe 2.0, the first digital African music instrument for music fans and music makers. A live performance by its creator, Valerio Lopes, will be followed by an open Q&A - come around and ask him anything about Djambé, how it works and how it's been made.
- Arts & CultureFuture-Meet Kudzanai following his keynote talk and evening performance with M.anifest and learn about his artist approach and interpretations.
- Arts & CultureFuture-"Stargate Odyssey" is a juxtaposition of cultures that has resulted into an amazing journey of imagination and self expression.
- Science & EducationFuture-The Africologist is a futuristic documentary on African History, Science, and Technology. The purpose of this film is to inspire young Africans by using technology-backed science fiction as narrative, and evidence-backed science facts as the backbone. Embark with us on a journey through Africa and Africanity, reconnecting to our past, experiencing the innovations of our present in exciting new ways and using science to foresee the technologies of the future.
- Business & InnovationFuture-The panel will address issues around how automatisation and robotics will affect the future of labour and workers rights in the gig economy and will attempt to answer the questions: How do we want to model future societies that may not be as labour focussed as ours are today? And how is the informal sector is affected by these developments?
- Business & InnovationFuture-This session will examine how digital technologies can improve urban lives and make urban development fairer and more participatory, from address systems, to architecture to access to resources in urban contexts.
- Arts & CultureFuture-Spotlighting the African and struggles specific to the African, this discussion will focus on how AFROfuturism could reclaim ownership over African identity through creative activism, political resistance, arts & culture.
- Arts & CultureFuture-Join us in a provoking discussion about new institutional models for the transition we want to see in society. What things, ways of doing and thinking do we have to unlearn in order to reimagine the future? In this session we will share different approaches from creative hubs across Africa, Europe and Latin America on their strategies and approaches to foster creativity, arts, social integration and entreuprenership from a perspective of permanent processes of learning and unlearning.
- Arts & CultureFuture-This talk uses Africa’s Legends: Reawakening, a game designed from the ground up by Leti Arts in Ghana and Kenya, to reflect on how game design can be used to correct media misrepresentations about Africa, discuss current issues, and ignite imaginations of African cultural heritage. It examines the current state of the video game industry in Africa, and how creating quality and meaningful digital entertainment for a mass pan-African market requires technical and creative design innovations.