16:15 - 17:15
Try 3D Printing!


3D printing has changed the way people conduct create and businesses. It is now so easy for companies and individuals to create any idea of theirs into a real action figure without the need to shell out loads of money. With the help of 3D model or Cad software, you can design 3D printing products yourself and send them for printing on your 3D printer.


Try 3D printing! will be a 2 hours workshop where beginners, novice, expert and basically all,  will be introduced to the 3D printing technology, physical modeling, 3D scanning, 3D modeling and operation of 3D printers.  Participants will be offered practical sessions with the aim at equipping them with the basic knowledge and practical skills in 3D printing.

The Approach will also make room for a less intensive conceptualization of ideas for printing to use of 3D modeling software for modeling.  A 3D printing hackathon will stage to offer the participants

  • Physical modeling
  • 3D scanning
  • 3D modelling using Google Sketch
  • Operation of 3D Printer
  • 3D Printing of designed models 
