

English Workshop Everyone


The emerging market in Augmented Reality presents an opportunity for creative entrepreneurs to create new solutions/business and existing businesses to tap into increased efficiency and revenue, to disrupt and impact sectors and industries from marketing, e-commerce, education, entertainment, health among others.


Like the Sub-Saharan countries of Africa, much of the world is changing the way they think about drones. Many people are starting to recognize that the potential for drones in agriculture and medicine represents a breakthrough not only of technological importance, but societal and economic importance as well. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to how to fly drones and how to process images captured by drones and sensors.


Create a digital clone of yourself floating in cyberspace using the latest AI chatbot technologies.


Air pollution is a growing health issue implicated in 7 million global deaths and health conditions. In Ghana 17000 annual deaths have been reported. Air quality monitoring in Ghana covers limited geographical and temporal ranges, meaning human lives may be at risk. The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate using low cost monitors to measure key pollutants over LoRaWAN to The Things Network, making data available to the public.


English Workshop Beginner


Teach the internet the language of your plants. Learn how to communicate with and monitor your garden with internet of things (IoT) basics.


English Workshop Everyone


3D printing has changed the way people conduct create and businesses. It is now so easy for companies and individuals to create any idea of theirs into a real action figure without the need to shell out loads of money. With the help of 3D model or Cad software, you can design 3D printing products yourself and send them for printing on your 3D printer.


English Action Everyone Partner: Global Innovation Gathering


#weareGIG the Global Innovation Gathering: a vibrant, diverse community of innovators, makers, technologists, storytellers and changemakers from all around the world. We started as a small track at re:publica 2013 and grew to become an active network of trust that realizes projects around the globe together: from #i4Policy to the Labmobile, from PeaceHackCamps to Precious Plastics machines, from student exchange programs to hub sustainability workshops: We aim for impact not exit!