Business & Innovation

Photo credits: Thomas Ecke

Was steckt hinter Schlagwörtern wie Industrie 4.0, Internet der Dinge oder Big Data? Immer wieder tauchen diese Begriffe in Diskussionen darüber auf, wie neue Technologien unseren Arbeitsalltag verändern. Um zu begreifen wie technologischer Fortschritt die Arbeitswelt transformiert, müssen wir allerdings über Schlagworte hinausgehen.

Nicht nur neue Technologien beeinflussen Berufsfelder und Berufslaufbahnen. Auch das Streben nach Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit, Familie und Freizeit sowie der Wunsch nach Co-Working und alternativen Arbeitsplätzen führt zu Veränderungen. Sei es durch Videokonferenzen, webbasierte Kooperationstools oder Software: Technologie ermöglicht neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit. So können Teams, die auf der ganzen Welt verstreut sind, gemeinsam an Projekten arbeiten. In welche Richtung können Technologien unsere Formen der Zusammenarbeit zukünftig lenken und verändern?

In diesem Track geht es um die Zukunft der Arbeit, die digitale Wirtschaft, neue Geschäftsmodelle und die Rolle von Innovation und Unternehmertum in unseren Gesellschaften. Wir möchten wissen: Wie verändern Innovationen wie wir reisen und Geschäfte machen? Wie könnten neue Kooperationsformen aussehen? Hilft die Digitalisierung Entwicklungsländern wirklich, wirtschaftlich aufzuholen? Wir wollen mit euch über Plattformökonomie und Startup-Szenen sprechen, insbesondere über ihre Auswirkungen auf den sozialen Sektor und öffentliche Dienstleistungen. Außerdem soll es um die Effekte der Automatisierung, des Internets der Dinge und der Unternehmerkultur auf die Gesellschaft gehen.

Wir freuen uns auf Berichte, Analysen, Forschungsergebnisse und weitere Überlegungen zu diesen Themen.

  • Business & Innovation
    Tech for Good
    By 2035, Africa is poised to have the largest and youngest workforce in the world. African countries are still facing huge challenges in terms of creating opportunities for the ever growing young population. Skills mismatch between what is taught in schools and what the industry requires, inadequate access to labour market information, networks, limited opportunities to acquire work experience or vocational training are some factors that contribute to high unemployment rates.
  • Business & Innovation
    Tech for Good
    There are currently seven billion people inhabiting this world. By 2050, the global population will reach 9 billion. The challenge: How can we all be fed?

    As of late, a groundswell of start-ups and technologies in sub-Saharan Africa have emerged to help smallholder farmers increase efficiency and thus productivity. Most of them using cutting-edge technologies. Are digital technologies the key to success or should we seek elsewhere to solve our challenge?
  • Business & Innovation
    Join us as we share and visualize in real-time the journeys of 3 inspiring African women. We will map their turning points, the highs and the lows. Come in and create your own journey map too!
  • Business & Innovation
    Tech for Good
    Startups are paving our way to the future and today, every young person’s dream is not to become a doctor or a lawyer but a startup founder and an entrepreneur. Are we selling the next generation the right dream? Will the startup economy continue to bloom? Will startups and entrepreneurs help African countries break free from aid dependency?
  • Business & Innovation
    #weareGIG the Global Innovation Gathering: a vibrant, diverse community of innovators, makers, technologists, storytellers and changemakers from all around the world. We started as a small track at re:publica 2013 and grew to become an active network of trust that realizes projects around the globe together: from #i4Policy to the Labmobile, from PeaceHackCamps to Precious Plastics machines, from student exchange programs to hub sustainability workshops: We aim for impact not exit!
  • Business & Innovation
    The fashion industry today is worth 3 trillion USD, but Africa accounts for a mere 1% of that. Africa’s lack of representation on the global fashion scene has largely been due to lack of infrastructure and under-developed retail sectors. However in the last year, with Africa being the only continent to skip through industrialisation eras and enter directly into the digital age, fashion brands on the continent are seizing the opportunity to present themselves to the world.
  • Business & Innovation
    Over the last years, there has been a common depiction of the Old Fadama scrap yard in Accra, internationally better known as "Agbogbloshie" as a place of hazardous processing of E-Waste. Correlating to the panel discussion "Agbogbloshie: Discovering Value in E-Waste through Innovation", the exhibition aims to authentically showcase various activities on the scrap yard and highlight the potential discovered by Ghana's creative changemakers: a resource pool for social development and innovation.
  • Business & Innovation
    Ghana, as many African countries do, has a thriving technology and digital innovation scene. It also has a low-tech, mainly informal manufacturing base. In this session, the panel and the audience will discuss how to bridge the gap between these two worlds in a way that creates jobs and development. It will cover both digital (e.g.3D printing) and traditional manufacturing technologies, and explore whether the combination of these offers a viable route forwards for African Manufacturing.
  • Business & Innovation
    A panel discussion about the infamous Old Fadama Scrap Yard, commonly known as Agbogbloshie, and its potential as a resource pool for social development. The Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation will invite a diverse group of stakeholders from backgrounds such as Innovation, Creation and Anthropology to discuss their different experiences in using E-Waste as a resource. They will controversially discuss future scenarios that promote digital solutions with social added value.
  • Business & Innovation
    It’s breakfast time. Agya Koo Nimo, his wife Kyeiwaa and their child Paapa are on a mission to trace back the origin of the heavenly pineapples they enjoy every morning. But how? Be prepared to learn about how IT solutions can increase the transparency of supply chains, and join experts in developing an efficient and affordable solution based on open source.
  • Business & Innovation
    The realities of (digital) distribution make it more practical and more profitable for a Ghanaian startup to explore e-commerce in the USA than retail opportunities in other West African countries. This reality is detrimental to pan-African mutual development and to our understanding of what we are capable of on the continent. What precisely are these challenges? How do we ensure that African markets come into their economic power together?
  • Business & Innovation
    Create a digital clone of yourself floating in cyberspace using the latest AI chatbot technologies.